Food and culture in London
During my spring/march break from school, I traveled to London with my father and a long time friend. One of the main focal points of the trip, in general, was to explore London and experience all the city had to offer. For me, Being interested in food, I really wanted to explore the melting pot of cultures and there food that London has to offer. There are many people in London from many different countries and each of these different countries provides different types of food and ways to experience it. Below I have included some of my own pictures that I took while on the trip with my father and friend Harry.

Food Markets in London

Shooting oysters with Harry in one of the Markets

Photo taken in Petrus one of Gordon Ramsey's restaurants
Experience with Pubs in London
One of my favorite parts of the Trip to London was visiting the Pubs in England. Since I'm 18 this was something I had been looking forward to prior to the trip and I was really excited to go and experience. However, when I was there I learned that British Pubs have a Lot more history and meaning to them then many of the typical Bars here in the U.S. Most of the pubs served your traditional British Pub food such as Fish and Chips or my favorite the Meat pies. In my research paper, I wrote about how Pubs and Inns were the only place at one time was working class or lower class people were able to eat a meal away from home. Although they're not necessarily- catered to that class of people in the same way as they used to they still embody the idea of being able to have a cheaper hearty meal as well as having a few pints of beer. One fact that I learned about how to spot an old traditional pub is by the sign or name. Back in the day pubs wanted to have a simple name that was easy to recognize but since lots of people couldn't read they made it a name that could easily be recognized with a sign. Something like a swan or a red lion. Ultimately, I enjoyed experiencing these Pubs which to me are a true representation of British comfort food.